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El otro dia lo descubri en you tube, (soy fan de Queen), este tema es de Roger Taylor y Yoshiky de 1994, y aunque está en ingles, me copó como si fuese un verdadero tema de Queen con Freddie, la letra para mi gusto es poesia, DISCULPEN SI NO ES LO HABITUAL EN ESTE SITIO, recien ingresé y no conozco la onda todavia, si lo pueden ver, lo recomiendo Mucho.


Here we go - ain't it grand
Here we stand on foreign sand
And we're not alone
Why do we fear what we don't understand
Can't we reach out our hand to try just say 'hello'
Try to plant a seed - fulfil the need - to make it grow - just say hello
And when you're far from home try to learn from all you see
Your eyes will tell you everything you need
Why do we dread what we really don't know
Come not as concubine - come not as foe
Come with intentions clearly shown
Try to plant a seed - fulfil the need - to make it grow - just say hello
And though you're far from home try to learn from all you see
Your mind will tell you everything you need - everything you need
Here we go ain't it grand
Here we stand on foreign sand
And we're not alone
Red, yellow, black and white
Every man stand in the light - stand not alone
I's not a lie - it's not a sham we play for keeps - it's not a scam
No bigotry - we're hand in hand - it ain't a cinch - we make a stand
We learn to live on foreign sand
Just say hello
Why do we despise when we can't even speak
We keep on spreading lies
As far as we know it's the only way to be
Try to plant a seed - fulfil the need - to make it grow - just say hello
And though you're far from home try to learn what you could be
Your heart will tell you everything you need
even though you stand here you stand on foreign sand
Ain't it grand here we stand
On foreign sand
Together we stand
Here we stand
On foreign sand



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